School rugby in full swing: 700 students introduced to the sport

School rugby in full swing: 700 students introduced to the sport

Published On: 9. oktober 2024-By -0,8 min read-
Over the late summer, we have introduced a number of secondary school classes at schools in Tårnby Municipality to our fantastic sport. So far, close to 500 students have tried rugby through training sessions held by our dedicated coaches.
And we’re not stopping here. Instead, we’re turning our attention to the younger children when we hold training sessions today – October 9 – for 200 3rd and 4th graders from Pilegårdsskolen, Kastrupgårdsskolen and Nordregårdsskolen.
The students from the two latter schools are coming in connection with the “Tårnby Health Week – Tårnby in motion” events, and we will have 6 coaches from Speed (Oldboys and women + men’s senior). The event starts at 8:30 and continues until 14:00.
Naturally, the training sessions are part of our ongoing efforts to spread awareness of our fantastic sport. So remember that your children and young people are always welcome to train with us at Rugbyklubben Speed! 💪

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Vores historie

Vores historie

Fra vores ydmyge begyndelse i 1950 til at blive en af Danmarks førende rugbyklubber, har Rugbyklubben Speed en rig historie fyldt med passion, dedikation og uforglemmelige øjeblikke. Dyk ned i vores historie og lær mere om, hvordan vi har udviklet os gennem årene.